Monday, 14 February 2011

Harry's bits gets squished by camel

Harry's Blog Osian Reggie’s Desert Camp 8-9th February
Harry survives camel and camel survives Harry

Hello! And welcome to the blog today. I will be telling you where we are and what we are doing.
Right now I`m at Reggie`s desert camp and we are doing lessons. (you would have thought I was not doing school and also its really boring because there`s no break times and no friends to play with apart from my sister and my brother.) So anyway today we went on a Camel. It was less exciting than you thought it would 
be. The camels hump kept on poking me in a place I should not talk about. 
Also my brother started crying even though he was two years older than me. At the desert camp we are not staying in a big hotel we’re actually staying at a luxury tent. (My tutor told me that apparently every Wednesday before assembly you have to read my blog. It`s like a soldier in WW1 behind enemy lines.) I`m not quite sure that you are doing that, and also if you see any spelling mistakes or future tense words on this blog please E-MAIL me and tell me to stop doing spelling mistakes.

Edward in our tent relaxing

We went to a Indian person`s house and it was quite cool. At it there was this cool little thing to make grain for bread. What you did was you put some seeds in a hole in the middle of a stone grinder then you start pulling it round and round. Apparently women did this for TWO HOURS a day*. (And also, Tristan, you told me you have a phone. My mum has one I could borrow it for a chat.)

Real sand dunes with hidden sand balls

Also, since this is a desert, there are these really, really, keen things called sand dunes. Sometimes when you step out loads of these sand balls come out of the ground and we have a fun game called sand ball. It`s like snowballs, but with sand. Last night there were people who Sung Songs that made no Sense. 
Also there are tonnes of frogs in the pond. (I just remembered one of WEIRDEST things I’ve seen in my life. In India, there are MUTANT TADPOLES! They are MASSIVE!) Also there are insects related to grass hoppers that I call dune hoppers. That is because they are exactly the same colour as sand. In the dunes, we found a dead Scarab beetle and we thought it was alive we also saw a beetle that could spray acid that dissolves your eyeballs so we didn`t go to close to it. 
Acid spraying, eyeball dissolving bug

Well, it seems I have told you everything I can. Well all I can say now is in the next sentence. GOODBYE! Click! (If you want to know why I wrote the word “click” then purchase Pokémon heart gold and receive the poke gear.
*I wouldn`t even last two Minutes doing it.