Monday, 14 February 2011

Harry feeling a bit dramatic....

1st February
Also after I signed out last time we went on these really cool planes called Kingfisher Airlines and every seat had a TV on them so you could watch stuff. I found a suitable for 15 years plus film called Kick Ass on Channel Five but Mum only let us watch these weird cartoons that were in Hindi (the Indian language). Right now I am in a place like a classroom and we do 4, 99,34,9999 hours of schoolwork. (Actually, we only do four but I`m feeling very dramatic today because this is taking forever to do.) Well, I guess that`s all for which-ever day you might be reading this (just to tell you I don`t write a whole blog every day so try to check it every three days) and I hope you’re having a better time than me.
P.S. Try E-mailing me and tell me what the heck is going on at school.  Bye